Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thoughts... From The Grocery Store

As i was wondering SPROUTS today, (which by the ways is amazing & is an amazing substitute for Henry's) i was thinking... thinking about a lot of things...

-Wow! A Dozen Eggs, 2 for $3! That's amazing... I wonder if Chickens knew they lay eggs all day, every day for 10 cents each. That sucks...

-I wonder if i will see my little friend tomorrow at Blind Children's Learning Center tomorrow when i pick up B Man... Yeah, He probably hates me after that field trip to Rogers Garden when i was telling him to look at the pretty flowers, since he's blind. hmmm....

-Who names a place "Tel Dan" and what the heck does it mean?!

-I can't believe people eat snacks out of the candy bins at the store... that's so disturbing...

-I really need a vacation & to stop talking to myself so much =(

1 comment:

Shawn and Laura said...

"I really need a vacation & to stop talking to myself so much"

i second that!! :D