Friday, December 30, 2011

No longer the baby...

Dear Baby Silas,

I guess this is probably my last letter to you as our one and only baby in the house. How time flies.

A few months ago when Miss Jessie was waiting to welcome Jonah into their family, I remember talking about cherishing her time with Sadie Rae. I felt then, like I had all the time in the world with you. I love our days together. For the most part our routine goes well! We usually have lazy mornings, simple breakfast, run errands, play together, lunch, nap and wait for daddy to come home from work. I love how relatively easy the day is. Your growing up so fast and love to play by yourself. You eat on your own, and can walk by yourself... There isn't too much I have to do besides change your diaper & clean up the tornado you leave behind!

But the days are quickly approaching where you wont be the only little man in my life. I have to say this is a bitter sweet thought for me. While I think about all the special times you and I have shared, just the two of us, I think about all the fun things that are yet to come. 

It was just you and me kid, for a long time while your daddy was gone. We've adjusted to life as a family of 3 relatively well, I'd say.  And I know that you will welcome a baby brother into our family just as well as the daddy you bonded so quickly with. Just like the first letter I wrote you, I promise you again... there will be hard day before us. Days I wont be the perfect mom. I might forget to change your diaper asap, or not get to a snack quickly enough. I'm sure there will even be worse things as we all are tired and maybe cranky. But I promise you that we will make it thru. And I am so excited that you get to go on this journey with me! 

I can't wait to see you hold your baby brother and become the  big boy of our house. I love you with all my heart Silas boy. You will always be my favorite first born ;)

All my love, Your mama

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